MA from the University of Copenhagen in music and theater science.
Educated as a systemic process consultant and coach at Metropol/Villa Venire.
Continuing education at Supervisionhuset Aps. in i.a. The Motivational Interview,
Solution-Focused approach, Clear leadership and Assertive behavior.
Educated as a professionel supervisor from Supervisionhuset.
Further education in digital communication and marketing.
For more than 30 years, Per Spangsberg has held courses and workshops, as well as given presentations and lectures in the fields of communication, collaboration, leadership development and non-verbal behavior – i.e. body language and how we use the voice.
Per Spangsberg is an experienced mediator and has taught at all levels.
He is energetic and attentive. He likes to seize and exploit the moment and mix lightness anf laughter with seriousness. He inspires and motivates with great empathy, so it is not boring when he lectures or teaches.
As a coach and supervisor, he is rooted in systemic/narrative theories and methods. He does not work dogmatically, but uses the techniques that make the most sense in the given context.
He finds it important and feels a personal responsibility, that the conversation remains respectful and non-judgmental.
He maintains that there must be space and time for reflection, but once that has happened, it doesn’t matter if there are solutions on the table.
Through his work with non-verbal communication, he has built up expertise and a method that creates an overview and provides a simple and concrete approach to the subject.
He combines this expertise with his knowledge of various recognized theories and communicative methods – and in this way reaches “all the way around”.
Per Spangsberg has simultaneously worked as a professional actor, director, musician and singer.
As an actor, he has played almost all types of theater all over Denmark and has participated in international festivals in large parts of the world.
He has also dubbed countless Disney cartoons and has participated in hundreds of sound and film productions.
As a singer, he started out as a soloist with a large orchestra and as an opera singer.
Later, he has spread over several styles and has, among other things, been backing singer for Stig Rossen and Al Jarreau.
He sees it as important that a safe and innovative basis is created for learning and constructive conversations, where there is room for professional reflection.
He attaches great importance to the fact that what you learn has value for the individual participant.
Through his diverse work, Per Spangsberg has met many, very different people in very different environments. He has taught psychologists and SOSU assistants and collaborated with company managers and dock workers.
That is why he recognizes diversity as a basic condition, but also perceives it as a resource that can create constructive change.
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